Typographic Animals

Typographic Animal, Bird
Typographic Animals, ElephantTypographic Animals, GiraffeTypographic Animals, Wall Art


“Typographic Animals” represents a personal exploration of the intersection between the physical form of animals and the visual structure of typography. In this project, such as in the depiction of the elephant, I utilized the robust and commanding presence of the “Elephant” typeface to mirror the animal’s innate strength.

The inception of this project was inspired by the philosophical notion that language, through words, attempts to encapsulate complex concepts—like flight in birds, strength in elephants, and motherhood in giraffes. This series delves into the idea that words alone fall short of fully expressing these intricate ideas. Thus, instead of spelling out words, the typographic elements are deliberately arranged to embody the essence of each animal, offering a visual narrative that transcends verbal articulation.


Typographic Animals

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